Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Rule of Thrum

As previously promised, here is a group photo of the multi-coloured sample pack of fleece that I bought ages ago from Rovings. This definitely is the antidote to my colourless winter, although now I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by the possibilities.

As you can see, it's not carded, and although thrums are small and easily formed by hand (see Knitting Daily's great instructions), some of this fleece is a bit matted (because it has been languishing in my stash for so long, I'm sure).

So I had a brainwave, since I don't have actual wool carders - the Pet Store!! (Never overlook entirely knitting-unrelated stores for Fibre Accessory Potential).

For my first pair of mittens, I decided to go with a blue and orange combination (think sunset), using up some leftover yarn from A Noble Cowl.

I'm quite happy with the colour combination. I think next some multi-coloured thrumming is in order though, and I'm thinking that a black yarn background will really make the colours pop.

Stay tuned.........

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