Sunday, March 01, 2009

Part 2 Addendum

First, I have just realized that I had quite a few restrictions on the comment section, so I've opened that up. Nothing like inviting comments and then making it nearly impossible for people to do so - duh.

Second, and this is probably obvious, but just in case, don't forget to save your worksheet regularly. There is nothing worse than doing a whole lot of work and then having the power go out or something and realizing that you didn't save anything. Ask me how I know this.

Third, to inspire your "doodling", I've done more simple examples below (perhaps somewhat lacking in inspiration, but it's early in the morning). You can use colour charting to audition colour combinations, make sure your design placement is centred, will fit within the area, etc. I should also note here that, particularly if you want to knit a picture, knit stitches are taller than they are wide. This means that if you use squares in your chart, your knitting results might distort the picture (it will be taller, but not wider, than you might expect or want). In the tutorial, I had you set the square size at 24 x 24 pixels. If you are designing a picture for a knitted item and you want a truer representation of how the chart will translate to the knitting, you might wish to set the cell size at 34 pixels high and 24 pixels wide. This will give an aspect ratio of 1.4. You may have to experiment a bit with that - there is an excellent explanation of how to determine your aspect ratio here.

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