Friday, April 14, 2006

Big Cables is a Wrap....

Well, of course, it's actually a sweater, but it's done! And actually it's been done for a week or so, I just haven't had time to photograph and blog it.

I don't understand why I can't get my camera to pick up the cables - this photo makes it look like a plain blue sweater. It's probably more operator error than camera I suppose.

I found another error in the pattern as well - when decreasing for the sleeve cap, the pattern notes that you should be at RC156 before casting off the remaining few stitches. That's true if you're doing the smallest size, but in fact, if you are doing the largest size, you should be at RC162, and I didn't bother doing the math on the other sizes, but the RC for the second largest size is probably not right either.

I did e-mail the magazine about the first error, with regard to the neck decreasing, but they weren't really open to hearing about it, let's put it that way, so I'm not going to bother reporting the second error.

All in all a nice, simple, comfortable sweater that I would definitely make again.

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