Happily, I can report that the grey work socks are complete, and I quickly moved on to a pair of socks with more colour to counterbalance the effects of the endless grey I have been working with. Remind me never to knit anything all grey in the middle of a bleak, cold, snowy winter again.
This pattern is a lot of fun to knit, and I'm really happy with the results. I used some Fleece Artist Blue Faced Leicester and 4 mm needles.
The downside of being finished with this project is that now I go back to the boring grey work socks I was working on before I found this pattern and threw the work socks in the "later" pile (oh yeah, it's getting to be a pile). I am, however, motivated to finish the grey socks so that I never have to look at them on my needles again. Luckily, they're almost done - I'm on the home stretch of the second sock.
A few mittens are first up as finished projects for 2009.
These blue mittens are from the pattern booklet "Patons Gloves and Mittens" and are not my favourite pattern, mostly because the thumbs are knit separately and sewn on.
These white mittens are from the same pattern booklet, I've made them before many times, and they remain for me a classic pattern.
These wristers are quick and easy to make - the pattern is "Fetching" and they are!
These mittens are just a generic pattern, made from Sirdar Peru.
A rare sight for sore, winter weary eyes, I spotted this incredibly large (winter fattened?) robin tucked in against the -21C temperatures of two days ago.
It's a bit early, but I'll take it as hope for a coming spring!